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Take control of your destiny with the Queen of Business Law! Join Kelly Bagla, Esq., author of “Go Legal Yourself!”, as she cuts through the often complicated and overwhelming legal side of owning a business. The Legal Lifecycle of a business is broken down into simple, winning strategies to launch an entrepreneurs’ dream into reality and give business owners what they really need to ultimately succeed, the right way! Now on Apple PodcastsSpotify or better yet, get the Go Legal Yourself APP and never miss an episode or bonus content!

Jun 27, 2023

On this podcast, we had the pleasure of deep-diving into a conversation with Hamid, a long-standing pioneer in the crossroads between law and technology. As a leader in the field, he dropped some fascinating tidbits on a burgeoning development in the world of AI — the ChatGPT regulation. This could be a game-changer for transactional law, and Hamid's team at Legal Soft is already gearing up for the seismic shift that's on the horizon.

With his 40+ years of wisdom, Hamid had some nuggets of advice for the entrepreneurs out there. For the rookies, it's about rallying a tribe of experts. Entrepreneurship isn't a solo sport, it's a team effort. For the veterans, he advocated for mentorship — the act of giving back to others, an exercise in generosity that pays dividends in its own way.

Hamid also offered a glimpse into his life and business philosophy. Despite the fast-paced nature of his career, he expressed the wish that he'd taken more time to ponder, revealing a nuance of patience in the whirlwind world of entrepreneurship. And, with the anticipated release of his second book on AI, it's clear that Hamid is far from done. In a Seth Godin-esque twist, he's turning his personal musings and insights into something tangible, a manifesto for the world to share.

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